Monday, January 28, 2013

Learn To Ride A Bike - Lesson 1 to 3

Definition of Terms: “Biting point speed”: Definition: Speed at which motor can move but not balance “Moving speed”: Definition: Speed at which motor can move and balance Groundwork a) On electrical panel b) Set gear to neutral c) Turn on engine d) Clutch in fully e) Set gear to first f) Hold clutch in Observation: It is possible to start engine when it is fully clutch in Footnote: If cannot change gear, you havent clutch in fully Moving Off a) Right foot on bike, Lean slightly to the left, CG at butt, look far ahead b) Always keep handlebar straight c) Slowly release clutch to “biting point speed” d) At the same time use left feet to pedal the ground e) Further release clutch to get to “moving off speed” Observation: It is the clutch that regulates speed and momentum so you can balance. If you wanna fall, release clutch and increase throttle. Do not turn handlebar. Braking Procedure a) Simultaneously throttle and clutch in b) apply brake What I was supposed to do: 1)Must not attempt to balance 2)look far ahead, 3)relax and CG at butt (do not lean forward when it moves)